Rea! Audio Analogue ABsolute Expand

Audio Analogue ABsolute

Audio Analogue


Demo unit for sale.

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Stort och mäktigt med den välbekanta klangen från AA

50-100-200 Watt i klass A i 8-4-2 ohm


150-300-600 Watt i klass AB ... 

Förstärkaren uppgraderad i Italien med ny krets för volymkontroll

En fantastisk förstärkare som är svårsåld pga sin storlek. Köp den och bli lycklig!

Bruttopris 295 000kr

Inga inbyten för det här priset...

Mer detaljer

139 000 kr



Audio Analogue ABsolute … the essence of this integrated amplifier is perfectly revealed in its name. The most ambitious project of Audio Analogue after over 25 years of history and certainly the best way to celebrate such an important anniversary. A unique amplifier that gives the opportunity to enjoy the refinement of pure class A sound or the power of class AB simply touching a button. Audiograde components of the highest level and selected to optimize the performance of the amplifier in both modes of use.

Massive shapes, which combine the cleanliness and elegance of the design to an extreme solidity, characterized by the heavy heatsinks machined from solid, which in addition to being unique pieces are a perfect example of the excellence of Made in Italy craftsmanship.

Powerful, versatile, refined, extremely musical. .. all this is Absolute, an amplifier that creates a new reference in the world of high-end high-fidelity.

Technical description

  • Zero Global feedback circuit designed by Airtech(SeGeSTA configuration)
  • All stages fully balanced, dual-mono configuration and discrete components circuits
  • Power stage with 12 bipolar transistors per channel, 81600μF filter capacity per channel
  • Oversized military resistors to minimize thermal distortion
  • Audiograde components, microcontroller management.

Technical specs

  • Channels: 2
  • Power on 8Ω load: 50W(class A)/150W(class AB)@ 1% THD
  • Power on 4Ω load: 100W(class A)/300W(class AB)@ 1% THD
  • Power on 2Ω load: 200W(class A)/600W(class AB)@ 1% THD
  • Sensitivity(8Ω output, 50W, class A): 0.5 VRMS
  • Sensitivity(8Ω output, 150W, class AB): 0.87 VRMS
  • Frequency Responce(@1W, 8Ω, Attenuation -3dB): 1Hz, 200KHz
  • Signal/noise ratio (Attenuation: 0dB A weighted referred to 8Ω load nominal power): >95dB(class A)/>100dB(class AB)
  • Distortion @10W, 1KHz < 0.008%(class A), < 0.03%(class AB)
  • Distortion @50W, 1KHz < 0.02%(class A)
  • Distortion @150W, 1KHz < 0.05%(class AB)
  • Standby power consumpition(230V): < 1 W
  • Dimensions(mm): H270 x W483 x D445
  • Weight(Kg): 50

Audio Analogue was born in that beautiful part of Tuscany between Pistoia, Lucca and Pisa in 1995. The synergy between experts of high fidelity, electronic engineers specialized in various fields of electronic design and sales managers with years of experience in various sectors could only create the base of what is Audio Analogue today: a company, but mostly a brand among the most renowned in Italy and around the world to satisfy the palates of the most demanding audiophiles.

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